Rosy Christmas

Magnificent red Roses, beautiful ruby red Tulips, deep red velvety Carnations and gold coloured Poppy heads, nestled in amongst winter foliage. A stunning Christmas flower arrangement.

Our reference: XM12CONHT01R

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023 8084 4114

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£42.50 plus postage £5.95

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If you have any questions relating to your order, please call

023 8084 4114


Same day delivery is available for orders received before 1pm Monday - Friday. If the delivery date is critical, please call us to make arrangements. Please note that we may substitute flowers for suitable alternatives, similar in style, quality and value depending on availability. Sundry items such as vases, flower baskets and containers are not included unless stated in the description and may vary or be substitued for a similar item if they are included.
Please note we are closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays – both deliveries and collections are unavaliable on those days.